Friday 29 March 2013

Foto Friday, Happy Easter from Mars!

Welcome back to Foto Friday, the Easter edition!

Whilst most of you are probably sinking a festive public holiday bevie or orchestrating an attack of the chocolate kind on your tastebuds I’m dining on the ‘finest’ that Qantas has to offer as I make my way from Brisbane to Perth, then Perth to Karratha to visit my dad who moved to Western Australia about eight months ago.  Mmmm crying kids and over air conditioned planes, you’re obviously jealous I know.

Now as much as I am looking forward to seeing my eccentric father who is the human incarnation of homer Simpson (he screams like a womanand eats packets of chips in the shower), the timing may ‘happen’ to coincideit with Whale Shark and Manta season on the Ningaloo reef….convenient right?! Woo hoo sharks….and er spending time with dad ;) We are still having an argument pre visit as to whether or not he can convince me to haul ass on a12 hour detour to visit Karijini National park for only a 3-4 hour explore since that’s all our schedule will allow with all my pre booked Whale Shark adventures and all! Argument between Homer and blonde Lisa TBC.

Back to the traveling on Good Friday part, I’m freaking stoked that I have a new camera for the trip to capture and get a bit funky with the amazing country side and vivid colours that I have seen depicted of Western Australia in glossy travel mags. My new digital baby is a Sony NEX 5R in white :) a sleek mirror-less camera with some beastie lenses (ok maybe just the Sony twin lens kit but it’s a start!).  I know you’re not meant to love material possessions, but this is definitely the new love of my life. Now we’ve just started dating at the moment, but I already have strong feelings, so I hope it’s reciprocated.  Guess we shall find out after traveling for a week if we work well together!

So I am on the plane to Perth itching to play and frolic with NEX after already poaching a free window seat and I wasn’t disappointed when I peered down at the rugged landscape as we tracked over the middle of Oz. Were we even still on planet earth? It looked like a detour via mars with rugged deep trenches and craters texturizing the topography in rich reds, maroons, and sun-burnt oranges contrasted with swirls of khaki and sandy hues creating an otherworldly effect you would expect to see in a surrealist painting.  

Dali wasn’t crazy, he obviously just had one too many chardy’s on a Qantas flight to Karratha, because after a few drinks I could picture elephants on stilts and melting clocks making perfect sense in this arid and unreal environment. ‘Drink till it makes sense’ is my motto, especially when talking to my braniac brother about science. It’s when I drink until I can see through time (usually at Oktoberfest after consuming several steins of ridiculously crisp and smooth German bier) that I know I’m entering Einstein territory ;)

So here are my ‘just playing around shots’ taken through the window of the plane, some actually taken with a wide aperture on the telephoto lens because I wanted to try and create a more elusive effect…yeah go with that :P Off to try and buy some filters for landscapes tomorrow.

Happy Good Friday!

Reminds me of a red moon
This is where the aliens and elephants on stilts go for their Easter holidays, it's considered tropical.

Reminds me of marble paper

Perspective shot

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