Friday 15 March 2013

Foto Friday-Flirting with a Retro Revival

Welcome friends to Foto Friday!  

The idea behind Foto Friday is a focus on visual stimulation and the emotion of experience, adventure and place- all from my weekly life.  An ‘easy to consume’ blog entry for all those who’s brains are already throwing a cocktail party or sinking a beer….and because by Friday I am waaaay too knackered to write a big verbose blog entry, er but it’s mainly for the artsy stuff I said first ;)

So the focus for this Friday is on a photo shoot that I did with my mate Jodie late last Sunday, which she had lined up with our friend and photographic mastermind Alec. It entailed grandiose plans of new discovery to find the old, or ‘Derelicte’ as Mugatu from Zoolander would say.

The focus of our search- unused old railway tracks in Brisbane, for a yesteryear type feel with a modern twist. Picture Pride & Prejudice, only Lizze (main protagonist) got well fit and sexed it up in her bra to bring all the boys to the yard, or in our case the unsuspecting Port of Brisbane!

It was an exciting feeling as Jodes and myself started tracking potential leads for old train tracks in the greater Brisbane area, and getting an inadvertent history lesson, and a rather tragic one at that. Dayboro train crashes from 66 years ago, secret buried underground tunnels, all sorts of new information that suddenly made Brisbane gritty with some retro world charm and a few under the rug secrets. Jodie finally got the best lead from her dad who gave us a hot tip about unused railway lines at the Port of Brisbane- how gungy! Whenever someone mentions ‘port ’ I always picture loud fog horns and a seedy underbelly of general shady encounters and dirty deals- fabulous!

We eagerly tracked google maps as I navigated us to the tracks that were still showing on the blueprint of modern technology.  There was definitely some nervous glee as we grew closer on the map with visions of the best kept photo shoot destination in Brisbane.

Finally tracks! Beautiful, rusty tracks.  We followed them along excited as they lead us down to the Port of Brisbane (no gangstas in sight, damn!) next to big rusty ship chains and watched them even intersect the road which had been built around them, perfectly juxtaposing modern with antiquated.

Anyway, enough with the blab- here’s the photo’s I took. I think you’ll pick your own theme from them pretty quickly. For me it was about creating intrigue, suspending a moment of raw emotion or building the climax in a story untold.  Every so often Alec kept getting in the way with all his fancy expensive equipment and cameras, nothing worse than when the official photographer keeps getting in the way of your amateur photo jaunt….enjoy!                

 (Images Copyrighted to Aqua Em)

Estee Lauder, I am available and waiting for your call!

On no the model fell asleep again!

Come what may...

Dear 'official photographer' "Move b*@ch get out the way" is what Ludacris would say!

I'm still waiting for your call Estee Lauder, do you mind if I call you 'Laz'?

Here we have some iphone photography at its finest!

Do you even filter?
Port of Brisbane Courtesy of Apple Iphone!


  1. Photos are amazing!

  2. Loving the spirit of adventure ladies; who knew Brisbane had some gritty history, or even under the rug secrets?! That stuff is what makes Europe cool (amongst other things) and even better to find some mystery closer to home!! And Murph scrubs up nicely again - Do you even filter?! Awesome :)

  3. Thanks for the comments! It was a great afternoon, even if I was covered in mozzie bites by the end of it! The rails went over a dingy looking swamp, we made so many mozzies oh so happy! I'd do it all again though ;)
